EMF Detection/Protection

Our bodies are inundated with unnatural electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted from from cell phones, lap tops, tablets, all electrical appliances, "smart" meters, wifi, power lines, cell towers, GWEN towers, and other antennae of all sorts.

EMF poisoning has been linked to depression, ad/hd, chronic fatigue, impaired performance, cancers, and other serious health conditions.  Everyone is affected by EMF. Some people are just more sensitive than others.

The easiest way to avoid EMF is to limit exposure to EMF emitting devices like smart phones, lap tops, wifi, and smart meters.  Grounding your body while working on the computer and while sleeping are also simple methods to get your body back to a healthier and more natural energetic state.  

Detecting, removing, and protecting yourself from EMF is easier that you would think with the right information and these affordable tools. More info included in the product descriptions below.